TalkBank SamtaleBank

This page provides an index to TalkBank SamtaleBank data. SamtaleBank originated as the Danish spoken language component of the DK/CLARIN project directed by Bente Maegaard. Participants in the spoken language component included Johannes Wagner, Lone Laursen, Patrizia Paggio, Frans Gregersen, and Peter Henrichsen. Further development of SamtaleBank and CABank was supported by a grant to Johannes Wagner and Brian MacWhinney from the BG-Bank Foundation.

You can browse the SamtaleBank database online from this link.

Corpus Description
Sam1 Single person talks.
Sam2 Two-party conversations.
Sam3 Three-party conversations.
Sam4 Four-party conversations.
Telefon Telephone conversations.
Danish-L2 Conversations from two second language learners of Danish.
Natteravn Late night call-in talk show calls, protected by password.
Radio A phone call about alcohol, protected by password.
Steensig Conversations contributed by Jakob Steensig, protected by password.